Fall2I suppose it may seem strange to say it that way, but I am thankful for the thanksgiving season we have enjoyed at church.  We began with Harvest Sunday on the 10th, including a message on the Old Testament Thanksgiving Offering.  People gave graciously in our own Thanksgiving Offering for the harvest project of new hymnals, and the need was met that day!  We enjoyed a time around the table that Sunday night for a church family thanksgiving meal and we considered what the Lord has done for our church this year.  On November 24th, we enjoyed a very special thanksgiving Lord’s Table.  The service was completely unique with extra Scripture readings, singing, time of Scripture meditation, and a time when the congregation had opportunity to thank God for His body and blood that was shed for us.  We had great attendance and it was spiritually refreshing!  Now, I am looking forward to our Praise and Pie time on Tuesday night where we will give opportunity to share testimonies for what we all are grateful for in 2013.  I hope you can come!

Let me just mention a few of the points from our Thanksgiving Lord’s Table service (1 Corinthians 10:16-17):

1. Christ gave thanks for the bread and the cup even though they meant great sacrifice to Himself.  How often are we grateful for the difficult things in life?

2. Christ gave thanks for the bread and the cup that represent what we share in the blood and broken body of Christ.  We have so many blessings because of His sacrifice for us!  We have salvation from sin and a whole host of other riches because of it!

3. Christ gave thanks for the bread and cup that we all share in.  Are you thankful that you partake of the church, the body of Christ?  Are you thankful for that communion which you share with His body the church?

As you consider Thanksgiving this year, be reminded to be thankful for these three things, and you will be thankful for Thanksgiving too!