we are doing church with purpose

Our passions.

We are excited about who we are, and we think you will be too!
What makes our church what it is?

Our mission

“Making friends into followers of Jesus.”  We use all sorts of opportunities to lead people to trust Jesus as their Savior – special events, door-knocking, and normal services to name a few. We believe that Jesus also taught and modeled the importance of sharing the Gospel with our friends:  relational evangelism.  Those relationships help people trust Jesus, but also help them become committed followers of Jesus. Join us in making friends into followers of Jesus!

our purpose

We do church ‘for Him.’  We do everything because we are excited about our God and we are eager to see His greatness shown off more and more.  If you are passionate about God, join us!

our beliefs

Bible doctrine matters. What a church believes and teaches is important.

What is our worship style?

Our Music

  • We believe in a style of music that encourages the congregation to sing (Ephesians 5:19).
  • We believe that our song flows from the Spirit-filled believer (Ephesians 5:18-19), not from the beat.
  • We believe that God selects the style of worship music (John 5:24), not cultural fads.
  • We believe that all methods of communicating truth are not neutral and acceptable (Acts 16:16-18).
  • Therefore, we seek to have inspiring, Bible-saturated sacred music that glorifies God and promotes congregational singing.
  • Come check out our singing and join in!

Why ‘Baptist’?

Every church has a denominational belief behind it (even if they don’t say it in their name), so we are just being up front with visitors by telling them what we believe from the very beginning.

No, Baptists are not perfect, but we are passionate about what Baptists have traditionally believed.  If you really think about these beliefs, we believe that you will be excited about them too!

Baptists believe these things:

It’s not popes, synods, denominations, traditions, or opinions:  the Bible is our authority. Lot’s of churches talk about the Bible; few truly make it their authority. When you come to a service, expect to hear a message solidly grounded on the Bible – not some man’s opinion.  Oh, and bring your Bible with you!

Since the Bible is our authority, we let it define what a church is.  It’s not Old Testament Israel, not a parish, not a building, and not defined by man-made traditions. The Bible clearly says that a church is an assembly of believers in Jesus who have been immersed in water after they placed their faith in Jesus.

Because every church has the Bible and Jesus lives inside every believer, Jesus truly guides each church to do His will. Therefore, each member matters for Jesus guides through those members. Each church is self-governed, independent, and truly under the authority of Jesus. It’s exciting!
Every member matters equally. It’s not just a pope or a bishop, not just a council or a pastor. Every member has a part in the local church. Every believer has equal access. No one is better than the other. All believers are priests with equal access to God.
Baptists do not torture, imprison, execute, confiscate property, or in any other way force people to convert. They believe the Bible teaches that each person has the liberty to decide his faith for himself. In fact, this Baptist belief brought religious liberty to America, and Baptists have even fought for this liberty for those who have persecuted them!
Baptists believe in separation of church and state, which means that no church runs the government and no government can run the church. In America, we are thankful for that! We also believe in ethical separation – that the Bible tells us that there are things that believers in Jesus should NOT do out of love for the Lord and love for the lost. Finally, we also believe in separation from unbiblical churches: that we cannot cooperate with everything that calls itself a church; there are some basics of the Christian faith that determine what other churches we can cooperate with.
The Bible teaches that these are not sacraments which earn salvation, but are orders that Jesus expects believers to obey. He orders us to be baptized by immersion following our salvation, and He orders us to partake of the Lord’s table (communion) to regularly remind us of His death for our sins.
We believe the Bible teaches only two officers in the local church: the pastor and deacons. Pastors are to lead the church and deacons are to serve it.

Our Core Values

the definition and process of what it means to become a committed follower of Jesus.


We believe in:

a CHRIST that means something

Therefore, we commit to a life that is motivated by His love (not guilt – Eph. 3:19; 2 Cor. 5:14-15), empowered by His life (not our own strength – Gal. 2:20; John 15), transformed into His likeness (not conformed to the world – Romans 12:1-2), and lived for His glory (Phil. 1:21; 1 Cor. 10:31).

Step One: Salvation & One-on-One Discipleship

a CHURCH that gathers for something

Therefore, we commit to meeting with our church family multiple times each week for inspiring, corporate worship, for practical, discipling preaching, for caring, spiritual relationships, and for united, effective prayer (Acts 2:42).

Step Two: Church Membership

a COMMUNITY that needs something

Therefore, we commit to getting the Gospel of Christ to our local and global communities by intentionally, personally evangelizing (Acts 1:8), preparing laborers (Mt. 9:38; Acts 13:3) and planting local churches (Acts 9:31).

Step Three: Evangelistic Relationships

a CAUSE that costs something

Therefore, we commit to the whole-hearted investment (Luke 14:25-33; Acts 15:26) of our time (Eph. 5:16), abilities (1 Corinthians 12; Romans 12), and finances (1 Cor. 16:1-3) in this cause.

Step Four: Sacrificial Stewardship

a CHRISTIAN that builds something

Therefore, we commit to working with God (1 Cor. 3:9) to ground believers (Mt. 28:20; Col. 2:6-7), strengthen homes (Eph 5-6), and develop leaders (2 Tim. 2:2).

Step Five: Servant Leadership